Dr Jamie Ranse has been providing consultancy services to the World Health Organization, Western Pacific Region. In this role, he made a significant contribution to contextualizing the World Health Organizations, Key Considerations for Mass Gatherings for the Western Pacific Region. This document has been produced by the World Health Organization and is available here: http://iris.wpro.who.int/handle/10665.1/14531


Mass gatherings are highly visible events with the potential for serious public health consequences. Mass gathering events include, but are not limited to, sporting events, festivals, religious gatherings, and parades. Mass gathering events should be planned and managed carefully, particularly in the context of pandemics such as novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This document outlines key considerations that should be considered when planning mass gatherings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemics. Additionally, links are provided to risk assessment tools which should be completed in collaboration with health authorities and event organisers, prior to planning a mass gathering event.


World Health Organization, Western Pacific Region (2020). Key considerations for mass gatherings in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Western Pacific Region. Ref: WPR/DSE/2020/011. Available online here: http://iris.wpro.who.int/handle/10665.1/14531